Patagonia is showing its true nature: rain, wind, and clouds! All climbing in the range has come to a halt for over two weeks, while the mountains grow whiter. We´ve been climbing around El Chalten when it´s dry, reading many many books, and baking banana bread. Some in town are starting to lose motivation and curse the weather, but hey, what do you expect!? I am currently reading an interesting book documenting a conference between the 14th Dalai Lama, and a group of scientists debating the psychology and nature of mind. Patience is very important in Patagonia!
The good news, some climbable weather is coming!! Everyone is more than ready to run into the hills and give it. The current storm has presented somewhat of a dilemma; the ice climbs are melting this time of year, and yet the rock is plastered with new snowfall. Sounds like a true ¨mixed¨ climbing window. AKA cold climbing wearing all clothing and attacking with boots, tools, crampons, whatever helps!
After all climbing is just an excuse to be in the mountains...
Joel will be 26 tomorrow!
Wish him a happy birthday wherever you are
Leugo amigos!!
Happy Birthday Joel!!! Awesome updates and amazing pictures!
Happy Birthday Joel!
Hope you guys get another window soon...
Happy 26 Joel!!! I'll drink some brewskis for you. Enjoy your day. You guys have captured some amazing views in your pics.
Hi Guys,
Happy Belated Birthday Joel!
I liked the posts and photos, you're doing a great job with the writing.
Just so you know, I quit my job!! I am in Utah skiing and have a backcountry scientist job in Denali for the summer.
Hope things go well for the two of you.
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