Bird's View Butte and Crow's Beak Spires, Moab UT
Approaching Bird's View Butte
Satellite Spire is imposed on the left side of the butte
Em starting up Satellite Spire
Leading pitch 2 on Satellite
T-Bow in the pitch 2 chimney on Satellite
More chimney on pitch 3 of Satellite!
Happy Bowmans on top of Satellite Spire
Don Juan Spire
Em leading on Don Juan Spire with Bird's View Butte in the background
Em on pitch 1 of Don Juan
Em rides the minuscule summit of Don Juan with Luminous Being behind
Back on the rim after the long jumar out
Raven and the La Sal Mountains
Looking South to Indian Creek and the Colorado River
High Water Tower in Grand-Staircase Escalante
High Water Tower
TBow on High Water
The beautiful summit of High Water Tower
Cactus Gardens on top
The rappel off
Admiring the sculpture garden
The black mineral is coal deposit
Mormon Canyon, Sedona AZ
Earth Angel Spire is center, casting a summit shadow
Top Shelf Spire
The route climbs the crack then traverses wildly to the right skyline
Ashley sampling Top Shelf Spire
Breezy and cool on a fine May day in Sedona
Nameless Tower
Zach Harrison Dune Buggyin' in Fay Canyon
Trevor and Em take a spin on Sand Railin'
Psychotropic Flautist follows the brown and green patina face all the way up!
Ash engages the 2nd pitch of Psychotropic Flautist
(TBow photo)

Psychotropic Flautist
(TBow photo)
Loving the jugs on P3
Ash getting ninja on pitch 4
Pitch 4
(TBow photo)
Ash and Neil on P4
(TBow photo)