Pine Creek Canyon, California

Maxwell Joseph onsights "Phenomenon"

Sarah Land on the Phe na na na

Shadow Ayala works his new route 'The High Lonesome'

Its a 5.12+ on the Ministry Wall, 60 meters!!!!!
On days off from froggin' I've been sampling some of the Sierra Eastside's finest granite in Pine Creek Canyon. Home to the infamous Pratt's Crack, an intimidating 40meter wide crack first climbed by Chuck Pratt way before camalots were concieved, year 1968!! Tucked away in this shady narrow side canyon, the climbing is spectacular. I've dreamed of climbing all the 5.11 sport routes here in a day, long pitches of technical footwork and scheelite patina pulling, a 10-15 pitch linkup! Crack climbing here also brings a smile to the wayward adventurer; Sheila, a beautiful dihedral is apparently the first 5.10 established on the Eastside in '71.
There is no end to the granite in Pine Creek; development has reignited all over the canyon, with new multi-pitch and sport climbs being opened regularly. They call Bishop local Ty Devore "Mr. Pine Creek', as sparked the recent new-routing torch. Maybe I can earn my own nickname, spurred by my intense psyche for this mind-blowing little spot...
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